VIP 免费黄豆50克炒香备用,再麻烦也要炒,孜然**克,小茴香**克,小火炒香,芝麻30克,一定要让它炒香,再麻烦也要炒,把炒香的黄豆放进粉碎机,分成中细颗粒,中细颗粒不要打太碎,炒香的孜然小茴,炒香的芝麻,注意了孜然不要打太碎,打成半颗粒都可以,加入辣椒粉**克,胡椒粉**克,鸡粉**克,鲜味宝**克味精**克,十三香**克,再把它搅拌均匀,有条件的还可以放两个桃酥,
Fry incense and set aside,No matter how troublesome it is, it will be fried.,100 g cumin,Cumin 10 g,Stir-fry incense over low heat,30 sesame seeds,Be sure to let it fry,No matter how troublesome it is, it will be fried.,Put the fried soybeans in the grinder,Divided into medium and fine particles,Do not break the medium and fine particles too much.,Fried cumin anise,Fried sesame seeds,Be careful not to break the cumin too much.,You can beat it into half particles.,Add 20 grams of chili powder,10G pepper powder,10G chicken powder,Umami Bao 20g MSG 10g,Thirteen spices 20g,Stir it well again,If possible, you can also put two peach crisps.,