

Is the universal sprinkler fragrant?,The key is to look at the formula,Today we will put the recipe for universal barbecue sprinkling,Share with everyone,Hope it helps you.,Can't cook,Chang Qi San found it very simple after learning,Hello, my name is seven three.,To ensure the same taste every time,We have the scales and the trays ready.,Start weighing,First we use table salt 120g,Pour into tray for later use,Continue to weigh,Prepare 100 grams of cumin powder,Cumin powder 100g,MSG 70g,9 grams of chicken powder,Wang Shouyi Spicy Fresh 40g,25 g perilla powder,Beef flour 25g,25 g white sugar,Wang Shouyi Thirteen Spices 10g,10 g garlic powder,10G Flavor Fresh,20G concentrated fresh powder,15G black pepper,Curry powder 10g,10G coriander seed flour,10G tender meat powder,Finally, add 50 grams of fried white sesame seeds.,Get all the ingredients ready,Let's stir it well with a small spoon.,Mix it up,After stirring well,Our all-purpose barbecue powder,It's already done.,Learned this all-purpose barbecue sprinkler,We also need a chili noodle for barbecue,Next video,We will explain in detail for you.,Detailed production tutorial of chili noodles for barbecue,I am 73 Follow me to take you to know more about food.,

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